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Our Support Groups
Evening Support Groups

We meet every Thursday evening, 7.30pm - 9pm at the #LiftLoudForDanny Hub, Block 3, Lowestoft Hospital, off Tennyson Road. We are down the first alley way from the bottom of Tennyson Road.
Please join our Facebook page for more info
Daytime Support Groups

First four Mondays of each month at the #LiftLoudForDanny Hub, Block 3, Lowestoft Hospital, off Tennyson Road. We are down the first alley way from the bottom of Tennyson Road. Please join our Facebook group for further information.
#LiftLoudForDanny SEND Support

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 10am - 12 noon at the #LiftLoudForDanny Hub, Block 3, Lowestoft Hospital, off Tennyson Road. We are down the first alley way from the bottom of Tennyson Road.
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